NAU Country News

EASYmapping® Custom Views

EASYMapping_CustomViews_WebWe are excited to announce that our EASYmapping Custom Views system functionality has been enhanced. Our EASYmapping Custom Views offers the ability to build the custom views your insureds are looking for with our self-service, no hassle mapping customizations. Create, modify, and sort custom views to make acreage reporting easier and more efficient!

The process involves three simple steps:

  • Map your fields
  • Create your custom views
  • Enjoy the ease of Acreage Reporting

Enhanced features include:

  • All-encompassed, user-friendly interface within the EASYmapping system
  • Intuitive tools for creating, modifying, naming and sorting views, assigning fields, and creating custom unit selections
  • Ability to build a COLLECTION of views
  • Smart warnings to ensure no fields or units are left unassigned
  • Detailed policy displays to view total fields, total views, and total acres vs. reported acres

To make sure you are prepared for Fall Acreage Reporting, we recently hosted an NAU Country Connection Webinar on the enhancements. Weren’t able to attend? No problem! We recorded the webinar for future viewing. In addition, we have created an EASYmapping Custom Views user guide for your reference.

Please reach out to your NAU Country Marketing Representative or Underwriter with further questions.


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